
Three Things – 12/01/24

Too busy to fit BD and sales into your day job? Know you need to do it to progress but are struggling for ideas?

We get it. That’s why we created Three Things, a weekly BD punch in the arm with, you guessed it, three quick, practical things you can do (not just read and say “I should definitely do that”) every week to increase your client interactions and sales success.

Our commitment to you:

  1. Each installment will take 3mins or less to read.
  2. Each activity will take 3 units of time or less to execute.

Hit the button above to get your weekly BD & sales injection delivered to your inbox every Monday morning and start your week with a bang!

#1. Reflect

What went well last year from a BD/sales perspective? What activities won you business? What did you put loads of effort into but with little return. Write yourself a list (see below) of things you are going to Stop, Start, and Continue on the BD and Sales front in 2024.




Activities and vanity projects that add little value and revenue to your practice.

Identify activities you have seen colleagues and competitors engage in that were successful.

If it aint broke…. Look for opportunities to reuse what went well last year.

#2. Looking back

Which clients did you work with in 2023? Which clients lapsed in 2023 that you have enjoyed working with previously? Make a quick list of these clients and send them a New Year email like the below. This will get you back on their 2024 radar.


Hi [first name]

Happy New Year. I hope you had a restful festive period and managed to spend some time with the family.

Would be great to catch up in the coming weeks and understand your priorities for 2024. I can also share with you our team’s views on the current state of the market and what to watch out for as the year unfolds.

I’ve copied [PA name] who can liaise with [client PA name if known / otherwise “your PA”] to find a suitable slot.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards



#3. Tidying up

Do you still have a bunch of “pending” opportunities from 2023? Pitches you put in that haven’t yet received a response? Quotes you still need an answer on? Intro meetings you were trying to arrange that are stuck with PAs/crazy calendars? The new year provides an ideal time to follow up on these outstanding items and, who knows, could be an awesome start to the year!